3H 00Mins LEFT - 🛍️ The Jugg-Store (Campaign) (Pt.05):
NEW JUGG-STORE ITEM - A Curated Collection of ‘03 Pin-Ups & Tales:
• Take all of the Pin-Ups & accompanying story versions from ‘2023’ and put them all in a ZIP folder. Go according to the Patreon Library. Title it something that’s not “2023” and package it as something new for The JuggStore.
• X-UPLOAD: Go over the mailer & plan how you can break it down into Tweets, that’s in segments and quote Tweets. -Direct Jugg-Store RH
• Create a very simple mailer, like U did wit. the Ari & Jackie Mailers.
• Increase the number manually: Re-Sub un-subbed eMails & get New eMails from Patreon ‘Audience’.
• Transfer the Porcoro Piece ”GIFT ART” to The Jugg-Store, and post it on all platforms with hypers, to create new mailing list subs through the free downloads.
• In the “PROMOTIONAL” Folder, check the “Assets & Retro Ads (PIC)” Folder for files titled, “Retro Comms RH (2020) (1) & (2)”.
• Create something like that, but more modern, and use the Comms Special pricing in the RH GIF Itself.
• Put it on an eMail Blast & Post it across Platforms.
Pink Hotel Promotional Blitz - From Cover to Click-Through:
Take the cover for ‘Pink Hotel’ and post it across HF and Twitter as a Direct RH with a hyper in both copies -to ‘PINK HOTEL’ on the store.
Create footage for Twitter that U can PIN under the RH using the vertical, un-used footage from ‘PINK HOTEL’. Leave the PINNED Footage as a contextual JAB.
Create a little ‘see through’ button, taking the button template from The JuggStore, but re-purposing it with HF BG Colors and let that button lead them towards my ‘FREE PINK HOTEL SAMPLER’. Let them know that that is a sampler to the Full 22-Min Video.
Mixing My Jugg-Art Style with my IRL Clip Promotional Material:
• MJ Clip Snippet: Flower Petals Clip: Create a lil’ 5 second snippet from Flower Petals, see if you can freeze segments, then take those frozen frames and animate them zooming in slightly and add in quick thought bubbles, limit it to 2, just to get a look at what I’m thinking during the session. Check in “Images & Assets” for a GIF that u can use as an example for the scene transitions. -Pure Jab
• Make that animated GIF the centre piece of the mailers.
- Quote Post: New Flower Petals Cover: Have a brief copy on it that RH’s the Product on The JuggStore with a Hyper. -Direct JuggStore RH